Submission of nomination
Nominations must be submitted using the online Nominating Process. Click on a category that you are interested in, there you will find a link to the Online Nominating Process. Please send additional documents to">
- Brief description of your organization [limit 100 words]
- Provide details of the size of your organization (number of staff, annual revenue, etc) as of the time of entry
- First Name
- Last Name
- Company name
- Position In company
- Company address
- Company email address
- Business type
- Company phone
Company website
- Mention at least ONE outstanding thing sets your organization apart from its competitors within the industry [limit 100 words]?
- Mention and explain THREE ways your company has supported the industry or the community during January – December, 2023 [limit 150 words]?
- List at most FIVE REASONS why you or your company deserve this particular award. [limit 200 words]
You may attach supporting documents to your entry, such as:
- Photo of an individual or Logo of the Company
- Clients Testimonials
- News / media features and editorial
- Product / project specific corporate collateral
- Web links and links to videos and other information are acceptable as part of an entry
- When attaching your supporting documentation, please consider the length and relevance to chosen category criteria. There should be not more than 10 pages of supporting documentation.